Monday, July 4, 2016

Anchorage Here We Come!

7/2/2016.   60 miles into Anchorage.  Jane's brother Andy met us about 20 miles into the ride and led us on the bike path into downtown Anchorage.  It was nice to be on the pathway and off the highway.  We saw 2 moose along the path and visited a fish hatchery with salmon.  Andy's neighbor threw a party for all of us that evening which was so much fun.  Jane, Russ, myself and David are staying at Andy's for a few days and then we all fly home.  Bikes are packed, looking for a big box to ship camping gear, and enjoying Anchorage  for a few days.  We are all happy for our accomplishments and glad for a few days of rest.  After waking up at 5:30 for the past month and a half, it is nice to sleep in (at least until 6 or so!).  As a final note:  Andy lives in a beautiful house outside Anchorage with a really steep road up to his house (it is over 1000' climb just on his road).  Well, I had myself all psyched about the hill at the end and just knew that I would be walking.  But I made it all the way up without stopping!  That was a big accomplishment for me.  We are all in a lot better shape than when we started on May 20th.  We have many fond memories, good friendships and many great biking days.

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